Magnetic Business Cards
Full Backing Magnets take 7 to 10 BUSINESS days (after approval + shipping)
* Name
* E-mail Address
* Contact Number
Contact Information:
* Fields marked with asterisk are mandatory.
*You Are A
*How Did You Hear About Us
When filling out online orders please follow these instructions to make sure your order is processed properly. 
Please fill out all contact information, name, telephone number, etc. to be printed on your order.
If you need extra numbers, email address or other information on your project,
please use the special instruction area located at bottom of order form.
1) Information to be PRINTED on your magnets.
*Set-up Charges:
Changes; Adding a number, logo or changing your photo will be charged as a re-order with changes.
Removing a number, logo or photo will be charged as a re-order with changes.

FREE Setup is for returning customers only, that have done business cards in the last 12 months from order
date with NO CHANGES. 
Note: Setup charge applies for any order if cancelled.
Position - Title
*E-mail Address
Company Name
Cell Number
Office Number
City, State, Zip
*If different from above 
Enter Shipping Address or Delivery Address
If different from above here ->
2) Quantity, Printed Colors & Other Project Information:
1. Quantity
What magnet design
are you ordering?
2. Magnet Design
gallery design number
Your Photo and Logo:
If you've ordered before we maintain your photo and logo on file. Only send us a new photo and/or logo if you wish to update our file copies.
3. Photo
4. Company or Team Logo
If you are e-mailing your Photo and/or Logo, you can send them to us at with your full name in the subject line. 
5. Proof
If faxing or e-mailing proof to a different number or email supplied, please
enter in box above.
*Additional Information or Comments.
*Logos needed (REALTOR, Equal Housing, etc.)
*other information you want included on your order, please enter below.
Payment Information
Name on Card
Card Number
Expiration date and CC Billing address will be asked for after clicking submit to ensure your payment security.
Do not forget to click on SUBMIT or your order will not be sent to us.
If paying with check or cash: enter NA in  "Name on Card"  and  "Card Number" 
before hitting the "SUBMIT" button or your order will not be processed.
Enter Promo Code
Before hitting the submit button did you,
1) Did you choose your quantity?
2) Did you choose the Design of your Magnet?
3) Do we have your photo and logo?
Thank you for your order. A sales representative will contact you with your printing total within the next 24 hours.
No payment will be charged to you card before this time.
For added security reasons we have separated your expiration date and billing address from your credit card order.  
This ensures at no time your card number and expiration can be used together.
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to call us at 720.870.5725 to speak with the order department.